Club Meetings

Club meetings are held at 8 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at our new venue

The Royal Oak,
Hanging Bridge,

what3words  ///processor.stow.scatters

The format of Club meetings is a short business section, followed by announcements, followed by the guest speaker.

Meetings usually conclude around 10 p.m.

There is always plenty of time to chat to existing members, wives/partners and children are always welcome.

The latest Newsletter is available from the downloads page

See our events program below which you can also download from our downloads page


Please see below and our Facebook Group for updates.



Wednesday 14th August        Note New Venue!Cliff Lea - The Riddings Oil Refinery of 1848
Monday 9th SeptemberCommittee Meeting – 7:00 p.m. for 7:30 p.m.  Shoulder of Mutton, Osmaston
Wednesday 11th September

Stephen Flinders – – ‘The Magnificent Seven’

Sunday TBC September

Autumn Road Run – provisional -details to be confirmed

Wednesday 9th October

Chris Fisher – ‘The Blind Woodturner’ (Rescheduled from July Meeting)

Wednesday 13th November

Tim Knebel of Peak in The Past - Annie Burke the Pensioner Criminal

Wednesday 11th December

Christmas Quiz & Social